Alaska State Parks: South Central Region

Alaska is well known for its stunning natural beauty and boasts eight National Parks across the state. In addition to these national parks and preserves, Alaska has an abundance of State Parks scattered across the state as well. Now, I understand that 'State Park' might not have the same ring as 'National Park'. You don't want to overlook these state parks during your next trip. Being as big as it is, [...]

The Solstice in Alaska: Two Extremes

In each year, there must be a longest day and a shortest day. This is called a Solstice. There is a Summer Solstice in June and a Winter Solstice in December. What is a Solstice? Scientifically speaking, the solstice is the day in which the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky marking the start of summer and winter respectively. The Summer solstice is the day with the [...]

Elopement in Alaska

When it comes to getting married, it isn't always as simple and sweet as we would hope for. With all the planning, scheduling, organizing, keeping face for the family differences, and over these past couple years, countless cancellations and rescheduling, getting married has become a bit more daunting than usual. And while all that is very true and real, it seems a new life has sprung out of this chaos. [...]

Snowmobiling the Alaskan Wilderness

Snowmobiling in Alaska is a one of a kind experience. The wide open spaces of untouched snow for you to throttle across, reaching from mountains to glaciers in just minutes. This snow sport can help you connect thousands of miles of trails all while taking in some epic Alaskan winter scenery. Alaska has millions of acres of public land to explore and lots to see by snowmobile specifically. Whenever you head [...]

Your Day on the Ice: Ice Climbing 101

Ice Climbing 101 A MICA Guide manages the rope system while a climber ascends from glacial meltwater below Ice climbing is a wild and unique way to explore the Alaskan wilderness. Before you start there is a lot to learn. Arriving with a good idea of what to expect can help ease your worries and get you prepared for a day of adventure with MICA Guides. Arriving When you [...]

An Ice Truck Saga

A History: The MICA Mocha Ice Truck If you have ever found yourself winding down the the Matanuska Valley from the East, it isn't long before you reach mile marker 101. Beyond the reflective sign and blooms of fireweed, the black hood of an old Ford ice truck sits at rest. Although this antique automobile may be out of commission for delivering ice, the signage indicates the ice truck's new [...]

Geology in the Mat-Su Valley

Geology in the Mat-Su Valley The Matanuska-Susitna Valley has been perfectly carved over thousands of years to frame glaciers, mountains, rivers, and become an entrance to exploration. This valley is located in the southeastern region of Alaska, dipping into the Interior. You'll pass giant peaks etched away and dropping into cliffs that meet the river basin. Accessing the geological wonders this valley has to offer is as easy as a [...]

Alaska Adventure Center

Welcome to Alaska Adventure Center Alaska Adventure Center is pleased to offer the most comprehensive collection of Alaska activities.  We want to find you the perfect set of activities to enjoy, so Contact Us for the best Alaska activity lineup. We want to bring you the best options for your time in Alaska. Your time is valuable, so make sure it is full of adventure! We offer Kayaking, Hiking, Glacier Activities, [...]

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