About Ali

Ali Lukitsch currently lives in the lower wetland regions of Michigan doing field studies and field sketches of biodiversity throughout rural and city ecosystems. She currently observes and reports on the interconnectedness and parallel shifts that we see in communities and how they correlate with our surrounding environments. In her spare time, she offers community support with skills based in harm reduction and continues to hone her skills in communications, navigations, and human resources for adaptive needs.

New Deep Ocean Species in Alaska

Alaska's New Whale Species In the summer of 2023, a team of researchers set out to create high-resolution mapping of the deep sea floor near the Aleutian Islands. These scientists partner with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to make this possible. These scientists have traveled thousands of feet deep into this coastal region using high-tech equipment and measuring instruments. In their exploration, it seems a new species [...]

2024-10-14T12:48:51-07:00By |Alaska Flora and Fauna, Alaska Information|

Marine Microbiology in Alaska

Alaskan Arctic Water Marine Biology Seven different bay regions exist in Alaska. These regions have five different Alaska marine biology ecosystems classified within them: Gulf of Alaska, Eastern Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands, Beaufort Sea, and Chukchi Sea. (NOAA) Bay areas and coastal regions provide ideal ecosystems and habitats for global marine food chains to stabilize, grow, and thrive. Ocean biomes, characterized by their abundance of food sources and diversity, [...]

Owls in Alaska

Owls in Alaska Alaska has abundant food sources and untouched wilderness areas for many apex predators. And even with consideration to large birds of prey like the eagle and hawk, owls are some of the most skilled hunters to navigate these wilds. Because of their elusive nature, it takes a focused and patient observer to learn more about them. Some of us have experienced the reaction we feel when [...]

2024-10-07T08:36:17-07:00By |Uncategorized|

Native Flora and Fauna of Alaska

Indigenous Flora and Fauna of Alaska In Alaska, flora and fauna are abundant. And there are a handful of reasons for that; this region is a paramount migration point for many species to find an ample supply of food sources, negate predators or inhospitable conditions, give birth, and to raise their young. Some species visit for a short time, others migrate to the region for multiple [...]

2024-10-12T11:14:26-07:00By |Alaska Adventures, Alaska Flora and Fauna, Wildlife|

Volcanoes and Glaciers of Alaska

Elemental Opposites Alaska is home to not only the most glaciers in the Northern continent, it is also known for it's density of volcanoes. There are 54 that are considered 'active', meaning they have erupted within the last 300 years. With non-active (dormant) volcanoes, there are over 130 in Alaska. Some of them are even active today and many of these volcanoes have been etched by glacier moving across [...]

The Birdwatching Boom

Alaska is referred to by many names and titles. Originally translated from the Aleut word “aleyska,” meaning “great land.” Others have referred to it as a land of abundance, "The Last Frontier", or the "North to the Future". This bountiful and majestic land has histories of unsettled wild, famous trading routes and mapping, and echoes of the iconic Gold Rush. The experiences and life that cycle in Alaska offers a [...]

2023-02-04T01:29:24-08:00By |Alaska Tourism, Wildlife|

The Magnetism of Whales and the Northern Lights

Once August comes around in Alaska folks start to notice that the nights become increasing longer and welcome back the sights and awe of the Aurora Borealis. The Northern Lights shine during all the seasons, and due to the long summertime hours and midnight sun, you can best observe them from August till April in Alaska. These lights put on magnificent displays of greens, pinks, violets, and whites that dance [...]

The Alaska State Fair: A History

History of Alaska State Fair The Alaska State Fair is one of the most popular celebrations in Alaska. This event encompasses a week and a half long festivity known for it's amazing panoramic views of the Chugach Mountains and unique displays. Hundreds of vendors come in from all over the country and many farmers and ranchers centralize for a variety of competitions. The fair is famous for their giant vegetable judging, [...]

Summer Solstice in Alaska

Midsummer in Alaska Summer solstice is the longest day of the year. To clarify, there are still 24 hours in the day, just the most daylight hours we receive on any given day in the year. And in Alaska, those daylight hours turn into what is known as the midnight sun. Where the sun shines well into the hours of the "night". So what is it like to celebrate the [...]

2022-08-03T20:37:33-07:00By |Alaska Tourism, Glacier Activities|

Spring: The Season of the Moose

Moose of Alaska Spring signals its arrival in Alaska quickly and abruptly in the most beautiful ways. Bright greens of new growth seem to appear across the valleys and mountains overnight. These signs of new life signal wildlife and other plants to begin their spring rhythms. Moose are one of the first to start their grazing migrations as the first new growth on trees and bushes are one of [...]

2024-05-14T19:44:00-07:00By |Alaska Tourism, Moose of Alaska, Wildlife|
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