Fungi and the Forest Floor

Mushrooms: Cluster of mushrooms on forest floor Not quite a plant, mushrooms belong in their own family: fungus. In fact, mushrooms are more common to animals than they are to plants! Fungi grow all over the world and come and many shapes and sizes. Mushrooms are the result of the spores of a fungi fruiting. They come in all shapes and sizes in all sorts of ecological environments, but [...]

Alaska State Parks: South Central Region

Alaska is well known for its stunning natural beauty and boasts eight National Parks across the state. In addition to these national parks and preserves, Alaska has an abundance of State Parks scattered across the state as well. Now, I understand that 'State Park' might not have the same ring as 'National Park'. You don't want to overlook these state parks during your next trip. Being as big as it is, [...]

Hiking Gunsight

  The terrain up Sheep Mountain is both rocky and plush An Alpine Start A midsummer day lead to the start of an abrupt and unexpected adventure, hiking to the peak of Gunsight Mountain. The curator of this event, our locally seasoned owner/operator/mentor of our outdoor company, Don Wray reached out to me. He handed myself and two other Apprentice Guides a sheet of paper. Further, the paper informed [...]

Gold Mint Trail

Gold Mint Trail Hatcher's Pass is full of hiking opportunities. The variety of terrain and accessibility to the backcountry of the Talkeetna Mountains will have you yearning for more with each visit. Some days have an abundance of time and resources, and others you may just have an afternoon to spare. During a summer day in the Mat-Su Valley we chose to keep the logistics simple and embark as a group [...]

Lane Hut Trail

Hiking in Hatcher Pass Hatcher Pass is known for it's excellent displays of wildflowers and panoramic mountain views. Alaska is by far one of the most stunning places I have ever had the pleasure of visiting, from the endless mountain ranges to the winding rivers and unexplored wilderness. Alaska holds a variety of gems, each uniquely beautiful, but one that truly caught my eye is Hatcher Pass. Hatcher Pass [...]

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