Alaska State Parks: South Central Region

Alaska is well known for its stunning natural beauty and boasts eight National Parks across the state. In addition to these national parks and preserves, Alaska has an abundance of State Parks scattered across the state as well. Now, I understand that 'State Park' might not have the same ring as 'National Park'. You don't want to overlook these state parks during your next trip. Being as big as it is, [...]

Alaskan Rail Systems

The Alaska Railroad Trains had been around for almost a century by the time Alaska got its first railroad in 1903. The Alaskan wilderness has never been easy to navigate, so the founding of the Alaska Railroad helped to connect various parts of Alaska and has grown into a great recreational and commercial transportation option. The history of the Alaska Railroad was full of interesting obstacles. History The [...]

Gold Panning in Alaska

Gold Panning in Alaska The roots of gold panning in Alaska run deep. In August 1896, three men found gold in the Klondike River in the Yukon Territory of Canada. This small event would go on to not only set off a gold rush, but also shape people's perceptions of Alaska.   The Klondike Gold Rush The Klondike gold rush lasted for about two years, enticing people to board ships that would [...]

2021-07-17T22:11:33-07:00By |Alaska Gold, Alaska Gold Mine Town|
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