Spring Migration Patterns

Like all places, spring is a transition time and Alaska is no different. Many know Alaska to be the 'land of the midnight sun', however summer is not the only time of year The Last Frontier shines! As the short, cold winter days fade away Alaska starts to come alive in the spring. Believe it or not, by early March most of the state has close to 11 hours of [...]

The Solstice in Alaska: Two Extremes

In each year, there must be a longest day and a shortest day. This is called a Solstice. There is a Summer Solstice in June and a Winter Solstice in December. What is a Solstice? Scientifically speaking, the solstice is the day in which the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky marking the start of summer and winter respectively. The Summer solstice is the day with the [...]

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