Fungi and the Forest Floor

Mushrooms: Cluster of mushrooms on forest floor Not quite a plant, mushrooms belong in their own family: fungus. In fact, mushrooms are more common to animals than they are to plants! Fungi grow all over the world and come and many shapes and sizes. Mushrooms are the result of the spores of a fungi fruiting. They come in all shapes and sizes in all sorts of ecological environments, but [...]

Alaska State Parks: South Central Region

Alaska is well known for its stunning natural beauty and boasts eight National Parks across the state. In addition to these national parks and preserves, Alaska has an abundance of State Parks scattered across the state as well. Now, I understand that 'State Park' might not have the same ring as 'National Park'. You don't want to overlook these state parks during your next trip. Being as big as it is, [...]

Exploring the Seward Highway

Alaska is made up of millions of acres set for public use. And there is no shortage of ethereal and connective experiences out here. However, many locations can be very remote and require an extensive plan for transportation just to reach them. There are some road stretches in Alaska that can offer this amazing experience, without the logistical hassle. All from traveling down a well established highway. One of our [...]

Geology in the Mat-Su Valley

Geology in the Mat-Su Valley The Matanuska-Susitna Valley has been perfectly carved over thousands of years to frame glaciers, mountains, rivers, and become an entrance to exploration. This valley is located in the southeastern region of Alaska, dipping into the Interior. You'll pass giant peaks etched away and dropping into cliffs that meet the river basin. Accessing the geological wonders this valley has to offer is as easy as a [...]

Why We Love the Alaska Moose

Why We Love the Alaska Moose The Alaska moose is found in abundance across the last frontier. From the Southeastern regions to the northern territories there are about 175,000 to 200,000 moose scattered across the 49th state. If you are exploring the state, chances are you will have a moose encounter or sighting. These mammals typically travel in solitude or with their young, and rarely in herds. Gaining knowledge on their [...]

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