Alaska State Parks: South Central Region

Alaska is well known for its stunning natural beauty and boasts eight National Parks across the state. In addition to these national parks and preserves, Alaska has an abundance of State Parks scattered across the state as well. Now, I understand that 'State Park' might not have the same ring as 'National Park'. You don't want to overlook these state parks during your next trip. Being as big as it is, [...]

Exploring McCarthy

Exploring McCarthy Entering the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve from either side shows you the grace of being something so small in this immense and intricate world. Giant snow covered peaks sit atop rolling coniferous forests here. The boundless skies that backdrop the landscape showcase the iridescent colors that come with the rising and setting of the sun. This gradient of mysticism only highlights the features of this expansive terrain. [...]

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