About Caroline

Caroline is an avid outdoorsman but blends into city life from time to time. She has worked in the outdoor industry as a climbing instructor and various logistics positions. You can often find her meandering through the nearest park or sitting at the local pub working on website content.

Fungi and the Forest Floor

Mushrooms: Cluster of mushrooms on forest floor Not quite a plant, mushrooms belong in their own family: fungus. In fact, mushrooms are more common to animals than they are to plants! Fungi grow all over the world and come and many shapes and sizes. Mushrooms are the result of the spores of a fungi fruiting. They come in all shapes and sizes in all sorts of ecological environments, but [...]

Alaska State Parks: South Central Region

Alaska is well known for its stunning natural beauty and boasts eight National Parks across the state. In addition to these national parks and preserves, Alaska has an abundance of State Parks scattered across the state as well. Now, I understand that 'State Park' might not have the same ring as 'National Park'. You don't want to overlook these state parks during your next trip. Being as big as it is, [...]

Spring Migration Patterns

Like all places, spring is a transition time and Alaska is no different. Many know Alaska to be the 'land of the midnight sun', however summer is not the only time of year The Last Frontier shines! As the short, cold winter days fade away Alaska starts to come alive in the spring. Believe it or not, by early March most of the state has close to 11 hours of [...]

Alaskan Rail Systems

The Alaska Railroad Trains had been around for almost a century by the time Alaska got its first railroad in 1903. The Alaskan wilderness has never been easy to navigate, so the founding of the Alaska Railroad helped to connect various parts of Alaska and has grown into a great recreational and commercial transportation option. The history of the Alaska Railroad was full of interesting obstacles. History The [...]

The Solstice in Alaska: Two Extremes

In each year, there must be a longest day and a shortest day. This is called a Solstice. There is a Summer Solstice in June and a Winter Solstice in December. What is a Solstice? Scientifically speaking, the solstice is the day in which the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky marking the start of summer and winter respectively. The Summer solstice is the day with the [...]

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