Alaska Helicopter Adventures

While you explore Alaska, there’s only so much you can see by car and on foot. If you take to the skies with an Alaskan Helicopter Adventure, remote wilderness and rarely seen areas open to you. Soar above the Alaskan scenery, miles away from any city or town and experience the expansive beauty of this space from a new perspective.

Get to the Glacier

Alaska is well known for its glaciers. There are an estimated 100,000 of them strewn about its land mass, and many of them are inaccessible. Unless, you are observing and navigating from the air! Jump on a helicopter and prepare yourself for a spectacular view, and it’s not all just glaciers. You’ll see mountain ranges, rivers, lakes, streams, active and dormant volcanoes, as well as many different species of wildlife. And that doesn’t even cover all the unexpected beauty you experience while out. All of this can be viewed from above, offering a view that starkly contrasts what you would see from the ground.

If just seeing all these wonderful things from the air isn’t enough for you, most helicopter companies have landing options. Get out and explore far beyond what the normal tourist experiences, then go home and brag to your friends. Visiting during the summer is one of the best ways to have many options. You could land somewhere known for bear viewing, see a salmon run, or go into a national park. Atop a glacier you can walk along a crevasse, explore an ice cave, or even visit a melt pond. Endless possibilities for a day dedicated to your sight-seeing hopes and dreams.

Add to Your Adventure

You could even add onto your adventure by taking an ice climbing trip. Why not go from flying high above the glacier, and then to climbing down the sides of cascading ice? Two life-changing experiences in the same day. What could be better than that? Probably a two-day overnight luxury camping experience on the glacier by helicopter.

So, whether you choose to just enjoy the scenery from above, explore a glacier, or descend an ice wall on your Alaskan helicopter adventure, we are sure you will have the trip of a lifetime.

Alaska Helicopter Outfits

  • Alaska Blue River
  • Alaska Helicopter Tours
  • aerial view of Matanuska glacier from interior of helicopter

Matanuska Glacier Helicopters

Matanuska Glacier Helicopters offers awe-inspiring scenic tours, as well as Glacier Hiking and Glacier Ice Climbing adventures.  They are partnered with MICA Guides, one of the most reputable guiding companies in Southwest Alaska.