Removing Bus 142

Removal of the ‘Into the Wild’ Bus 142 Moving Living History Midway through June 2021, the Alaska Army National Guard airlifted Bus 142 from the Alaskan wilderness to an undisclosed location. The 'Into the Wild' bus, made famous by the book and movie “Into the Wild”. The bus memorializes the life of Christopher McCandless. This historic item was originally placed in the forest to house [...]

Alaska Whale Migration

Alaska Whale Migration Coastal Life With the changing of seasons, the Alaskan coast moves from icy stillness to layers of vibrant life. Where fall once signaled the beginning of southern migrations, the spring welcomes in new life and returning residents as the ice melts. The days lengthen and animals start to rouse just as others are making their annual trip back. Many coastal species follow the warming waters to northern regions [...]

2021-07-07T13:00:19-07:00By |Alaska Whales, Wildlife|

Exploring McCarthy

Exploring McCarthy Entering the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve from either side shows you the grace of being something so small in this immense and intricate world. Giant snow covered peaks sit atop rolling coniferous forests here. The boundless skies that backdrop the landscape showcase the iridescent colors that come with the rising and setting of the sun. This gradient of mysticism only highlights the features of this expansive terrain. [...]

Gold Mint Trail

Gold Mint Trail Hatcher's Pass is full of hiking opportunities. The variety of terrain and accessibility to the backcountry of the Talkeetna Mountains will have you yearning for more with each visit. Some days have an abundance of time and resources, and others you may just have an afternoon to spare. During a summer day in the Mat-Su Valley we chose to keep the logistics simple and embark as a group [...]

Geology in the Mat-Su Valley

Geology in the Mat-Su Valley The Matanuska-Susitna Valley has been perfectly carved over thousands of years to frame glaciers, mountains, rivers, and become an entrance to exploration. This valley is located in the southeastern region of Alaska, dipping into the Interior. You'll pass giant peaks etched away and dropping into cliffs that meet the river basin. Accessing the geological wonders this valley has to offer is as easy as a [...]

Being Bear Aware

Being Bear Aware Alaska is home to a majority of the United States bear population. This population is made up of four different species and a variety of subspecies. The most notable are the brown bear, black bear, grizzly bear, and polar bear. These species are differentiated by adaptations and environment. No matter the terrain, or species you may encounter, being bear aware is of top priority for the safety of [...]

Why We Love the Alaska Moose

Why We Love the Alaska Moose The Alaska moose is found in abundance across the last frontier. From the Southeastern regions to the northern territories there are about 175,000 to 200,000 moose scattered across the 49th state. If you are exploring the state, chances are you will have a moose encounter or sighting. These mammals typically travel in solitude or with their young, and rarely in herds. Gaining knowledge on their [...]

Boating Options in Prince William Sound

Boating Options in Prince William Sound The Prince William Sound is a coastal rain forest located in the Southwest region of Alaska. This area is only a couple hours from Anchorage and easily accessible from the city of Whittier. The views are stunning. Tidal glaciers and snow-peaked mountains lay in the background of any water based adventure you choose out here. Easy access leaves way for a variety of choices in [...]

Behavior of Seals in Alaska

Behavior of Seals in Alaska Seals love the cool and bountiful coastal waters of Alaska A deep sense of immensity and connection reaches you the first time your eyes travel over the shorelines, fjords, bays, or sounds of Alaska.  All the elements are connected here. Each life form supports another. Some stand out more than others, making their presence more aware to us, giving us clues as to our [...]

Alaska Day Hike Preparation

Alaska Day Hikes: What You Need to Know Hiking in Alaska often means finding snow in the early summer. Make sure to wear the proper footwear and consider gaiters for hikes that may have deeper snow on the trail. Day hikes are a classic adventure here in Alaska. Weekend and longer trips can be intimidating and are usually large time commitments. Getting outside for the day is something anyone [...]

2021-06-25T20:54:10-07:00By |Alaska Gear, Alaska Preparation, Day Hiking, Hiking|
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