Gold Mint Trail

Gold Mint Trail Hatcher's Pass is full of hiking opportunities. The variety of terrain and accessibility to the backcountry of the Talkeetna Mountains will have you yearning for more with each visit. Some days have an abundance of time and resources, and others you may just have an afternoon to spare. During a summer day in the Mat-Su Valley we chose to keep the logistics simple and embark as a group [...]

Alaska Day Hike Preparation

Alaska Day Hikes: What You Need to Know Hiking in Alaska often means finding snow in the early summer. Make sure to wear the proper footwear and consider gaiters for hikes that may have deeper snow on the trail. Day hikes are a classic adventure here in Alaska. Weekend and longer trips can be intimidating and are usually large time commitments. Getting outside for the day is something anyone [...]

2021-06-25T20:54:10-07:00By |Alaska Gear, Alaska Preparation, Day Hiking, Hiking|

Lane Hut Trail

Hiking in Hatcher Pass Hatcher Pass is known for it's excellent displays of wildflowers and panoramic mountain views. Alaska is by far one of the most stunning places I have ever had the pleasure of visiting, from the endless mountain ranges to the winding rivers and unexplored wilderness. Alaska holds a variety of gems, each uniquely beautiful, but one that truly caught my eye is Hatcher Pass. Hatcher Pass [...]

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