Traveling with Large Groups in Alaska
Big Destinations for Big Groups
For such a large state, some people decide to travel around Alaska in a large group. It makes sense, it’s somewhere many people have not been, and it has vast wilderness many have never seen. Therefore, traveling in a large group can be a great idea. However, to keep things running smoothly you should be prepared and organized. Being prepared is very important when traveling around Alaska. Depending on where you are going, you can usually stay in relatively safe areas. However, if you plan to go off the beaten path a little then that safety decreases significantly.

This large group, made up of collective small groups, enjoys paddling through the Prince William Sound
What You’ll Need
When you are with a large group and you plan to do some hikes or other outdoor recreational activities you should come prepared. Specifically, with a first aid kit. With more people you may need some extra planning to be prepared. Some things that can alleviate stress is remembering; make reservations beforehand, listen and take the time to communicate group needs, and plan and prepare your days beforehand.
Another important item to acknowledge is the value of having a plan and agenda for each day. Have a general idea of what you are going to do and have a plan that everyone can follow very easily. This creates structure and helps to answer otherwise repetitive questions from the group. Sharing folders or using planning apps can be very helpful for this.
For example, having a plan that outlines where the group is going, when the group is departing, things the group should bring and what to be most prepared for. Something that could also be beneficial would be knowing the weather for that day. In Alaska, weather changes so quickly, therefore, being prepared for anything is really the best thing you can do in a large group.
Organize and Divide

This large group decided to go on a guided backpacking adventure in the Talkeetna Mountains
Traveling around Alaska in a large group can also be somewhat difficult. If your entourage consists of just your family then it is not too bad. However, if the crew consists of multiple families or friends, it would be beneficial to carpool as much as possible. You most likely will have to take more than one vehicle. However, if you can maximize space and minimize cars then it is easier to get people to the same place and reduce emissions.
A great thing to do if you have multiple cars and multiple groups of people is to all see different things in the same area. A great spot to do this is Hatcher Pass. Not everyone in a group always wants to do the same thing as everyone else. Therefore, having a car designated to go to one spot would be beneficial. Then having another car for the people that want to go see something else would also be handy.
Alaska has a multitude of things to do, having a large group can make that difficult sometimes, but it’s also a lot of fun to travel with all of your friends and family. Having things planned out and equipment ready to go is very important to make your Alaskan experience the best it can be.